Oh. My. Gosh. Seriously. I don't even know what to do with my life right now. The Collide series has come to a close, and I am left breathless. It was fantastic. Seriously, it was a fantastic ending to a crazy ride of a series. I'm going to keep this non-spoilery so forgive me for my overarching non descriptive rave. Ok, first thing is first. Sherry and Merrick, I could not get enough of them. They have grown so much as characters throughout the series, together and separately, and I could not be more amazed at what they have gone through/ will go through in this coming book. Also, while we didn't get to know Riley too terribly much in the last book, I am happy to report that we see a lot of her and a certain Aussie (who I adore and you get to know more about later in this post!). Let me say, this book is action packed. Shelly literally keeps us on our toes in the final installment, and puts us through the ringer at certain parts! It was also nice to meet some more new characters that didn't seem out of place in the already established group dynamic. Plus, we see some appearances of people who may not be necessarily around any more.
I really liked how we saw pretty much everyone getting in on the action in this book too. I know it is probably really hard to have all of these characters with their own nuances and personalities, but I think that creating a bunch of multidimensional characters is something that Shelly nails. I can not say enough wonderful things about the conclusion to this series, and it's always hard saying good bye to characters that you have become emotionally invested in, but this book was a completely fitting end to a fantastic series. I wholly recommend it and would love to discuss with anyone!
An Interview With the Fabulous Shelly Crane!
Shelly, thanks so much for stopping in
at my blog for an interview about your final book in the Collide
series: Revolution!
So, after writing all of these books
for your Collide series, how do you feel you have changed as an
author throughout the progression of these four books?
Oh, boy. Well, I definitely think
there's been some…improvements
If a writer can't grow as she progresses with each book, then I think
she needs to reevaluate! I can see a difference with my wording and
definitely my editing! I've never claimed to be a master of either,
but I can tell that my mind seems to pay attention more to the little
things as I write. And I always wondered when the ideas would run
out. I thought once the series was over, I'd struggle to come up with
something else, but the opposite has happened. I have SO many books
ideas, I'm struggling with picking which one to write next!
Out of all your characters in the
series, who do you admire most and who are you most like?
I most admire Miguel. His story
about losing his wife was so hard to write. Poor guy went through a
lot before they had a chance to breathe for a minute and he's still
so happy go lucky. He's funny and just anything goes with him. Some
people can't pull that off, but I love to write scenes for him.
And I'm definitely like Sherry. I
think I may have subconsciously written her as me!
I never intended to publish Collide, so I never really thought about
it, but I've had a few people tell me that she is me. That's totally
fine! I adore her (I hope I can say that without sounding
egotistical). She's just so laid back about the small things and all
up in arms about the big things! Some of the things she's dealt with,
so have I.
While writing Revolution, did you have
any “moments” while or after you were writing it?
Absolutely. I'm still finishing
up the book so I'm having 'moments' as we speak. It is SO hard to let
go! This was my first book! My first series. When I type "The
End" on this book, I have no doubt I'll feel a mix of sad and
happy. In fact, I'm tearing up just thinking about it.
What character's perspective was most
fun to write from?
Merrick!! I love to be in his
head. He was clueless in the beginning and as the series progressed,
he's evolved into this yummy, sweet guy that I'm really going to
miss. The way he feels about Sherry and his family, he's just all in
and I love it when he gets all "Papa bear" on people!
What inspired you to write the Collide
Series, and did you always know it would be four books?
Well, I had a Matrix type dream.
As you can see the series is nothing like the Matrix! So my dream is
kind of moot I guess. And in honesty (Please don't shoot me fans) but
when I published, I originally was going to run the series way past
four books. I was thinking eight. But while writing the last book,
Catalyst, I just got a sense that the series needed to end. I enjoy
long series but sometimes it seems like they just do anything they
can to keep adding books. I knew roughly where the ending was going
and decided I didn't want to take eight books to get there. For me,
four is perfect for the series. I'm not sure I could ever go past
four books in a series of my own. But, we'll see.
Finally, what can you tell us about
this whole Daniel, Cain, and Lillian love triangle action we saw in
Catalyst? Will we see anything more of that in Revelation?
Um….yeah. There is some Cain
developments that kind of…well, I can't really say, but there's a
lot of side drama in that little triangle. A lot of sacrifice that I
hope the readers understand.
Even though Miguel plays a huge part in these books, he doesn't get the spot light on him very often! That's changing now, I give you an interview with the dashing Aussie hunk: Miguel
Miguel, what is the thing you miss most
about Australia?
Oi! The food! My mates and I used
to go to this little joint called "The Croc's Tail". They
had the best boomer on the barbie! And the sheilas at the boozer were
always the best to crack onto.
What traits are most attractive to you
in the opposite sex?
Legs, legs and more legs. You can
be a bloody yabber all you like, as long as you've got legs up to
your neck.
How did you come to be in the United
States before all this mayhem went down?
I moved here to start my
business. I thought about becoming a weekend warrior instead, but
stateside just had this appeal going for it. I figured once my
parents passed that I needed to give the old life the flick and move
on out to some greener grass.
When did you first start learning how
to fight?
Since I was born and walking like
a goog. I've always had an itch to beat on something, *grins* except
pretty little sheilas, of course. Sweeter than fairy floss, they are.
Where would you take your dream girl on
the perfect first date?
Well…if the world wasn't
ending, I'd like to take that little ginger of mine, Rylee, to a real
live concert. When the music is pumping and the crowds banging to the
music, it's hard to still be a frog in a sock. I'd love to see her
cut loose just once.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Loyal, brick house, cunning as
a dunny rat.
*Grins again* Thanks for having
me, love.
Revolution Blurb!
the fourth and final installment, everything is on the line.
Merrick's life is in the balance and Lily is their only hope. Ellie
and her new powers are miraculous, but also problematic; if she's
with the bunker family, they won't be able to sense when the Lighters
are there. There are many new members to the bunker and sparks will
fly, and with the food shortage, they will all have plenty to deal
with. Miguel is intrigued with Rylee, her past and her spunk. Ryan
and Elli are barely scratching the surface of their relationship.
Cain and Lillian will have to deal with Daniel, who has no qualms
about showing his true feelings for her. And Sherry and Merrick…what
will happen to this happenstance family who have worked so hard to
come together? Can they all survive? Can they all withstand the new
enemy that is right outside their door? Can they beat the Lighters,
once and for all…
Contact Shelly Crane!
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Revolution Blurb!
Her blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Google+ | Goodreads
About Shelly!
Shelly is a YA author from a small town in Georgia and loves everything about the south. She is wife to a fantastical husband and stay at home mom to two boisterous and mischievous boys who keep her on her toes. They currently reside in everywhere USA as they happily travel all over with her husband's job. She loves to spend time with her family, binge on candy corn, go out to eat at new restaurants, buy paperbacks at little bookstores, site see in the new areas they travel to, listen to music everywhere and also LOVES to read.
Her own books happen by accident and she revels in the writing and imagination process. She doesn't go anywhere without her notepad for fear of an idea creeping up and not being able to write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night, where her best ideas are born.
Shelly is a YA author from a small town in Georgia and loves everything about the south. She is wife to a fantastical husband and stay at home mom to two boisterous and mischievous boys who keep her on her toes. They currently reside in everywhere USA as they happily travel all over with her husband's job. She loves to spend time with her family, binge on candy corn, go out to eat at new restaurants, buy paperbacks at little bookstores, site see in the new areas they travel to, listen to music everywhere and also LOVES to read.
Her own books happen by accident and she revels in the writing and imagination process. She doesn't go anywhere without her notepad for fear of an idea creeping up and not being able to write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night, where her best ideas are born.
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